Keith Brantley’s APR Tuned RS3 Runs 9’s in the Quarter Mile
同一天 同款Golf Variant 同年份 同引擎 同樣遇到渦輪增壓冷卻器漏水的機率有多大🤔 #例行保養底盤檢查很重要 #渦輪增壓冷卻器 #岐管油氣與水混合 有任何疑問歡迎聯絡我們
APR RS3 Stage 2 Pops and Bangs
APR's latest iteration of the RSC Exhaust System has now made it's way to the MK6 2.0 TSI engine! Check out this side by side comparison of the Stock Exhaust system vs the APR RSC Exhaust system!